Paddington Bear

Title: Paddington Bear

Author: Michael Bond

So, all the books on here so far have been pretty heavy going, so I’m going to head back to my specialisation and talk about some of my favourite kids’ books, for a bit more easy reading!

Paddington Bear is something I only discovered recently and I cannot believe it took me so long! The stories are very sweet and quintessentially British – which is something I expected – but I didn’t expect the emotions that would come with it! The character is so very unaware of the change in his surroundings, but rather than try to make sense of the world, he keeps barrelling around and hoping that the world will adapt to him – something I think we’re all guilty of sometimes!

The stories are also incredibly funny and I have laughed out loud at some of PB’s adventures and his manners in which he gets through them. The first 3 books in the series are essentially short story collections which is PERFECT if you do not have a long attention span or if you don’t have time to just sit and read for hours. 

I know it’s a “children’s book”, but I and many others believe that this isn’t even a real category. Anyone can enjoy these books, of any age, and best of all they’re often found in charity shops so if you want to give it a go without committing to your youth then they’re not very expensive!

As they say; don’t knock it til you’ve tried it!

– @theroadtodoughnuts

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