
Many people with disordered eating find it difficult to move past negative thoughts when tackling situations such as new foods, new environments or even new cutlery. This means that reading is a great distraction technique as you can throw yourself into a new world where these problems don’t exist.

Equally, people with this problem can often find it difficult to justify reading a book, even when they want to – even when it was one of their greatest loves – as they feel that they are being ‘lazy‘ or aren’t achieving anything by ‘just sitting around’.

This blog aims to tackle both of those difficulties; it is a blog BY the community and FOR the community, so if you need a distraction and don’t know what to read then there will be options for you to try out – even if it’s just reading the blog itself! However, if you want to read a book and your mind is telling you that you need to be more ‘productive‘ then this is your chance – read a book, write a review and help out all those people who need YOUR review in order to get through some of the toughest times in their lives.

Anyone can submit so if you think you can contribute then it’s as easy as read. write. publish.